ISSN 2520-2200
A professional collection of scientific works
Economic Sciences
Requirements for preparing and submitting articles


Вимоги до оформлення та подання статей

Instructions for Authors. Format - pdf


For the article’s publication in the scientific journal it is necessary to send via e-mail Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.  the following materials:

1. Article prepared according to specified requirements.
Attention! It is necessary to indicate the code of the journal 2520 in the subject line.

2. Information about the author. In case of failure to fill an electronic form, please fill in the data by yourself and send it in a separate file.

3. For persons without a scientific degree – a scanned review of a scientific supervisor or of a person with a scientific degree (the signature of the reviewer must be certified in the personnel department of the establishment or with a stamp of faculty (institute)).

4. Scientific articles submitted to the Editorial Board must undergo review; then, within 2-3 working days as from the date of article’s receipt, the executive secretary of the Board informs authors about positive or negative decision regarding the article’s acceptance to be published in a collection. After receiving the Editorial Board’s positive confirmation of the article’s acceptance, payment details for the article processing charge are provided. A publication fee covers the costs associated with editing articles, making-up and printing of the journal, as well as the postal mailing of the journal to authors. Be sure to send via e-mail a scanned receipt of payment of the article processing charge to the executive secretary.

The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company

The scientific article’s structure must include the following:

1. Index of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) in in the upper left corner of the page.

2. Section of the journal.

3. Last name and initials of the author(s) (less than or equal to 3 authors), scientific degree, academic rank, the name of the educational institution or scientific establishment where the study was conducted.

4. Title of the article in the Ukrainian language.

5. Abstract in Ukrainian language (800-900 characters).

6. Keywords in Ukrainian (6-8 words).

7. The article’s text structured as follows:

Problem statement in general terms and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks.

Analysis of recent researches and publications the author is guided by and which consider this problem and approaches to its solution. Along with this, to highlight unresolved issues of the general problem studied in the article.

The article’s purpose.

Presentation of the main research material with the full justification of the scientific results obtained.

Conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction

8. List of references is given in accordance with DSTU 7.1:2006 “System of Standards on Information, Librarianship, and Publishing Bibliographic record. Bibliographical description. General Principles and Rules of Composition” and Bulletin of HAC of Ukraine. – 2009. – № 5. — P. 26–30 (Examples of bibliographic description of literary sources). List of references should be given in the original language in the sequence of references to the relevant sources in the article’s text. All references in the list should be mentioned in the text. References in the text are given only in square brackets, for example [1; 6], [1, p. 5], [4, p. 5; 8, p. 10–11].

9. Extended abstract in English with the obligatory indication of the article’s title, initials, last names of the author(s), and summary of the article with a minimum volume of 1800 characters. Translation in English must be authentic (not machine). In case of problems with translation authenticity, the Editorial Board can help in their solving.

Technical requirements:

The length of the article – from 10 to 20 pages (including abstracts, tables, graphs, and references). Articles that are larger by volume may be accepted based on the decision of the Editorial Board.

Page setting – A4 format; portrait orientation; margins: left – 25 mm, right, top, and bottom – 20 mm, typed in Microsoft Word.

All text of the article, bibliographic list, abstracts, etc. should be typed in Times New Roman font, size – 14 pt, line spacing – 1,5.

If the article contains tables, formulas, and(or) figures, they should be compact, titled, font type – Times New Roman, size – 12 pt. Size of tables and figures should not exceed the width of the page.

Language of publications: Ukrainian, English.